Friday, August 20, 2010

Chicken Bread (On Special request of my friends):

Sorry I remember to take picture after eating more than half of it :P

Just follow the procedure as it is and results will be awesome 

Ingredients for Dough:
4 Cup white flour
2 table spoon milk powder
4 table spoon oil
1 table spoon instant yeast
Salt to taste ( this is not in original recipe but I use this)
Luke warm water for Kneading

Method for Dough

Mix white flour, milk powder, instant yeast & salt
Add oil and rub mixture with your finger tips
Then use Luke warm water to knead
Keep it soft.
Grease a container and place dough in it, grease top of dough too.
Cover it and keep it in warm place at least for 30 to 45 Minutes
Once it rise take out knead again
Cover it and leave to rise again

Ingredients for Filling

3 Table Spoon chopped onion
2 Table Spoon oil
6 Table Spoon of white flour
4 Table Spoon of corn flour
10 to 12 table spoon sugar ( I added only 6 Table spoon)
1 tea spoon of salt
1 tea spoon freshly crushed black pepper
½ tea spoon garm masala powder
1 cup milk
One cup boiled & Shredded chicken
2 Table spoon of Ketchup
2 chopped green chilies

Heat oil add Onion fry till transparent
Add white flour & Corn Flour
Mix Well add sugar and cook for 3 to 4 Minutes
Add salt, black pepper, garm masala and milk
When thick add chicken, ketchup & Green Chili
Mix well cook for 2 to 3Minutes

Let this cool for 15 to 20 Minutes
Now take dough and roll flat like Chapatti
In middle place mixture lengthwise
On both side place equal cuts
Now start closing it by turning in one strip from each side turn by turn on mixture.
Give shape of Fish head on one end and tail on other.
Brush it with egg on top side
Preheat oven @ 180 degree for 15 minutes
Grease baking dish place this bread on it.
Cook for 20 to 25 Minutes
Once cooked light upper grill to give color for 4 to 5 Minutes only
Serve Hot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i tried the chicken bread ,it was simply delicious and yum yum yummy:).thumbs up aisha to make my impression in my family he he.