Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chicken Spaghetti Bread Rolls


Chicken (boiled and shredded) 1 cup
Mayonnaise 2 tbsp
Spaghetti boiled chopped fine 1/2 cup
Salt 1/2 tsp
Black pepper 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves 2 tbsp
Green chilly chopped 2
Onion chopped 2 tbsp
Fresh bread slices 12


1. Combine shredded chicken, boiled spaghetti, mayonnaise, green chillies, onion,
chopped coriander,salt, and black pepper in a bowl.
2. Cut the crust from bread slices.
3. Flatten the slices with a rolling pin and spread the filling on each slice and roll tightly.
4. Deep fry until golden brown and crispy
5. Yummy Yummy Rolls are ready to eat :D

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