Sunday, September 4, 2011


1 cup white flour (Maida)
1 tea spoon Baking powder
2 table spoon yogurt (Dahi)
one good pinch yellow food color (Zarda Rang)
Water as required

For syrup:
1.5 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 green cardamons (green illachi)

Mix white flour, Baking powder, yellow food color and yogurt.
With water make a batter (Flowing consistency is required)
beat well and leave at least for 2 hours.
Take a plastic bag fill the mixture in it, cut a tip of 1/4 inch.
Heat oil, then drop the batter in oil from plastic bag giving circular motion to your hand, making shape of jalebi.
Fry till brown.
Take out and dip in sugar syrup for 2 to 3 minutes.
Take out. serve warm or cold as you wish.

For syrup:
Add sugar and water in a pan and heat till sugar is dissolved.
Then add green cardamon.
Cook till you get required consistency (ek tar ka shera)
It should be at room temperature when jalebis are dipped in it.

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