Friday, September 3, 2010

Chicken Drum Sticks

This is one of my all time famous recipe, follow the instructions and you will end up with yummy drumsticks which everyone will love.


6 chicken legs
1/2 tea spoon black pepper
1/2 tea spoon chat masala
1 table spoon chinese salt
1/2 tea spoon salt
1 small onion chopped
3 green chili chopped
3 slices of bread (remove corner)


- Boil the chicken and then remove the meat.
- Mash boiled chicken with hand and add black pepper, chat masala, chinese salt, salt, chopped onion, chopped green chili and white portion of bread slices mashed properly.
- Mix all this well and then coat on bones giving shape of drum stick.

For coating:


1 egg
2 table spoon white flour
1/2 tea spoon black pepper
1/2 tea spoon chat masala

Mix all ingredients then dip the drumsticks in this and deep fry till the coating gets good color.
Enjoy yummy drumsticks
Best of luck ~_~


Unknown said...

so tasty that you shall leave going to rahat bakers and all other would like to make it again and again.Its like Think it and make it.My father was like:"are we having this tommorow too".Thanks,stay happy always:)

Aisha Javed said...

Ur welcome sana :)