Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mashed Potato Sandwitches

Me back after soooooooooo many days :-)
This is one of my fav for emergency serving with Tea :-)
Serve these with Chilli garlic sauce, Garlic Mayo or Green Chatni Thick Raita

4 medium Boiled Potatos, mash them
2 Green Chilli, finely chopped
1/4 bunch green corriander finely chopped
1/2 tea spoon salt
1/2 tea spoon black peppre
Mix all these.

2 Eggs for coating
Bread Slices as required.

Remove cormers of bread slices.
Flaten them with roller.
Apply water with finger tips on corners.
Put the above batter on half slice and then close it like book.
press to close edges.
Dip in Egg.
Fry these like French toast with little oil.
You can also deep dry them.

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